It's FM's Birthday! (FM Live 11-9-23 with Keith Tanner)

It's FM's Birthday! (FM Live 11-9-23 with Keith Tanner)

We’ve got a very special FM live this week to celebrate FM’s 40th Birthday! Our resident Keith Tanner will be giving some company history, answering your questions, and more!

Now in 4K with clean sound! 

Have you gotten your limited edition 40th Anniversary merch yet? Only available until November 14th!

Yes, we've been around longer than there have been Miatas - we started as a Porsche/Audi/VW service shop and began selling Miata parts in 1990. We went full-time on Miatas in 1996, and when our founder Bill Cardell retired in 2020, the employees bought the company.

A sincere thank you to all of our friends and customers who have supported us over the years to make this milestone possible.

 #fm #fmlive #live #video #youtube #birthday #anniversary #qanda #history #keithtanner #miatalife #miataisalwaystheanswer #fortyyears #olderthanthemiata #flyinmiata

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