Our staff
Like Soylent Green, Flyin' Miata is made of people. And those people are what make us who we are. When you're dealing with FM, you're not dealing with a big corporation - you're dealing with a group of passionate individuals. Flyin' Miata is even owned by its employees.
One of the things we're most proud of is how long people stay with us. We have a handful of employees who have been with us for more than two decades. Take a look for yourself!

shipping and assembly manager
Beth Thompson
Since May 2015
Beth runs our shipping and assembly warehouse, doing her part to ensure that your box of FM magic gets from us to you as smoothly and as quickly as possible.
In her free time, she enjoys traipsing through the mountains, while hunting for mushrooms, moss and bones to collect. An avid foodie, she loves trying new, exciting foods, testing out new recipes and learning about other cultures through food. She is also a cat and coffee enthusiast.

Director of R&D, Owner
Brandon Fitch
Since Sept 2006
We make Brandon do all the hard brain lifting. He recently built a garage that’s bigger than his house. It’d be larger yet but he ran out of space on the lot.
1996 FM II

Customer support representative
Ethan O'Regan
Since Jan 2022
Ethan has owned seven Miatas and is always looking for more because he likes pain. Can probably order food at a restaurant in Spanish as long as there are no follow up questions.
Current Miatas:
1992 Mariner blue manual swap with superior stock 1.6
2001 custom gray painted. turbo build will be finished in 2035
2001 crystal blue

Data Operations manager
James Brooks
Since Feb 1997
James has been working at Flyin' Miata longer than some of our staff has been alive.
He enjoys making cheesecake and other desserts, though he doesn't always get the chance due to his young family. His record is a 10,000 calorie cheesecake. He once made a 13-lb pizza just to see if he could. Despite all these cooking experiments, he's never had a cavity.
He once kept a wolf spider as a pet for a day before releasing it outside.

Director of Operations, owner
Jeremy Ferber
Since Oct 2004
Jeremy oversees the various parts of FM to keep us functioning like a well oiled machine. He's also the lead singer and guitarist in a thrash metal band. His Miata was built as a GT with great audio, and with the goal of retaining the manual transmission for future generations.
1995 PEP in non-peeling white

Director of Sales, owner
Keith Tanner
Since Aug 2001
Keith's worn a lot of hats over the years and is a familiar face on our YouTube videos. Along with the computer stuff, he’s our chassis and setup guru, giving Miatas the flowing suspension FM is famous for. When he's not in the garage, he's riding mountain bikes or playing hockey. He owns cars with engine sizes ranging from 1293cc to 429ci and has written three books on the Miata.
1990 survivor (#338 off the production line)
1990 with a 1.8 swap and turbo
1990 Canadian car
1994 V8 beast (the Targa Miata)

Shipping assistant
Kenny Decatur
Since Oct 2024
Kenny is an adventurer who loves to explore our local wilderness. He builds minibikes and Warhammer miniatures. He is also full of random information, is an ordained minister and is forklift certified.

Customer Service Representative
Kian Manning
Since Feb 2022
Despite being a Colorado native, Kian is a huge Kansas City Chiefs fan and refuses to miss a game. When he isn’t at home wrenching on his Miata, he can be found playing with RC rock crawlers or cruising around town on his hog (Honda Grom).
1991 1.9L FM turbo
1990 "Stinky" Miata Magazine project car

R&D engineer, owner
Kyle Tigar
Since Jul 2011
Kyle is a Colorado native and family man who is a major Hot Wheels collector. He also collects dogs, with a German shepherd, a golden retriever and a mutt. He doesn't own any Miatas right now, but he had a 2003 rebuilt out of salvage parts with a MSM drivetrain. Another mutt.
He is our tallest employee and his next Miata will be an NC so he fits.

Purchasing assistant
Leeanna Romero-Sanchez
Since Aug 2017
Leeanna is a mother of four and YiaYia to three handsome grandsons. When she’s not handling Miata parts, she can be found spending time with family, watching her kids play sports, or baking up fresh, tasty goodies!

Shipping assistant, owner
Makayla Darnall
Since Aug 2021
Makayla puts the hip in shipping. She is our resident pet sitter and spider relocator. She enjoys jumping out of airplanes, mosh pits and climbing 14ers. Her 9 snakes, Tegu, Great Dane, and human child take up most of her free time. She is also forklift certified.
2011 PRHT in black on black on black

Customer support representative, owner
Matt Horn
Since Jul 2015
Matt has many years building crazed Miatas and kit cars in our shop. He’s co-owner and co-driver of his own V8 track and gravel hill climb Miata and continues to push the boundaries of how Miatas are modified.
1995 with a big turbo
2002 V8 hillclimb freak

Customer service manager, owner
Mike Usrey
Since Dec 2013
Mike spends his days helping out customers worldwide and overseeing our Customer Support Department. He’s been called the Bob Ross of turbos because he’s keen to install happy little turbos in every car he can get his hands on, but it might also have to do with his calming voice and presence on camera. Unfortunately, it's not the hair.
2013 turbo PRHT

Shipping assistant
Nia Mejia
Since Nov 2022
Fun facts about Nia:
She can fly an airplane.
She spends her free time reading.
She is forklift certified.
She has an 18lbs cat named "Itty Bitty."
She relies on Makayla to save her from spiders in the warehouse.
Coca-cola is better than Pepsi and she will die on that hill.
She has two belly buttons.

Customer support representative
Nick Krause
Since Mar 2021
He owns a 2000 SE Miata with our Stage 1 turbo kit, a 2008 WRX, 2005 Crown Vic Interceptor with a 5 speed manual transmission conversion from a Mustang, a Nissan Stagea (think Skyline wagon), a 2005 Legacy GT wagon and a 1995 S6 Avant - making him the resident wagon guy.
He was also a fully-Ford-certified Ford technician for over five years as well as being a certified GTAW welder (also close to getting the certifications for SMAW and GMAW as well). Nick tinkers with AutoCAD and operating Bridgeport mills and lathes.
So, what do you do on your weekends?

Shipping assistant
Robert Holbrook
Since Dec 2023
Robert loves anything cars. Tinkering, racing, even playing games with cars. He also likes to tinker with computers. He is forklift certified, so he can lift heavy things without breaking a sweat. He also has a large stuffed panda that rides shotgun in his Scion XB.

Purchasing manager, owner
Tami Brown
Since Jul 2001
Tami has been with us forever. She has two beautiful children, an 18-year-old son and a 16-year-old daughter, who are her best accomplishments.
She has recently joined her children in musical theatre and is rehearsing for her third musical.
1992 Sunburst

Director of marketing, owner
Travis Ingram
Since Jan 2019
Travis is the guy to blame for all the photos and videos you’ve been seeing in your internets. When he’s not at FM, he’s usually behind the camera shooting professional photography, or behind the wheel looking for that perfect, curvy, quiet backroad.
He hates having his picture taken.
2019 RF